1-......How do I set up Voc Microphone to my liking EQ,Rev etc and have it retain the settings on powerup
AND I dont want it to ever change when I change registrations songs etc.....
I want to keep the same VOC settings & Voc Harmony?

>>>AJ:- To enter the Mic and Vocalizer EDITOR (and the EDITOR for any other button that has a blue dot to it’s lower right corner .. e.g. HARMONY, INPUT, DOUBLE …etc), simply press and hold down the MICRO/VOICETRON button for 2 seconds.
• Left side of the screen is the MIC settings, eq, reverb .. etc.
Right side is the vocalizer settings, eq .. etc
• Press EDIT on the screen to enter the detailed vocalizer or Mic settings.
• Select USER or the top harmony type and you will get a drop down menu with all the other harmony types you can select. Turn the DATA WHEEL to access even more. Select TRIO (as per your example above).
• You can select VOCIETRON TO ARRANGER and select the various HARMONY types you want when ARRANGER A, B, C or D or START/STOP is selected – auto vocalizer settings so you do not have to change vocalizer settings as you switch from variation to variation – it is already tied to the variation in question .. etc.
• Press LOCK to LOCK this vocalizer setting so that regardless of REGISTRATION or STYLE or … selected, the vocalizer will remain the same.
• When done, press the SAVE button. Select VOICETRON to save the current vocalizer settings. Repeat this step and press MICRO (on the screen) to save the MICROPHONE settings too.