Originally Posted By: travlin'easy
I disagree with my learned colleague Don Mason. There are lots of guys and gals on the PSR Tutorial forum who had other brands of keyboards in the recent past, and some, such as Bill, who just added a Korg to his array of boards. Now, he is probably right in that Yamaha will sell one Hell of a lot of the new S970s when they become available here and abroad. Lets face it - it's one Hell of a good sounding machine with a huge array of great features. Why wouldn't it sell?

All the best,

Gary cool

Because two knobs and an arpeggiator are not enough reason for most to uograde from an 950 to a 970? Because for most 950 owners their current sound is allready good enough and all they need to shine...
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
