Originally Posted By: hammer
I will not be surprised to see other good things coming for SD7 owners. Problem with all this is like Don said - most of these will be things that should have been available on the initial release. All this said, I am using my SD7 nearly every day for my gigs and have not had one moment of buyers remorse! The reaction I am getting from my audiences is outstanding - unlike any I have ever gotten using my Yamaha or Korg keyboards. So, for me, even without anything else coming I feel very pleased with what I have in the SD7. I would post more videos of gigs but that would be redundant and probably not interesting to most folks. Anyway, we will see how it all works out.


I read some reviews over on german websites, and they where all possitive about the styles and sounds...

But dissapointed with the stabillity...
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
