It's in the house, as usual Frank at Audioworks is THE BEST!! if you need gear give him a call first thing he'll do you right every time!
...I'll start out by saying the Roland VR09 keybed action is better then my S970 right off the bat,..been playing it for about an hour and it's really sounding amazing..
Organs,Pianos, Synths & more are Super, exploring a bit here & there don't have that much time,but I'm very happy so far, cant wait to take it out on a gig,..... I Picked it up and OMG 12 lbs really? Loaded a few Mp3 backing tracks on a USB stick and they played perfectly & easy to play along and switch sounds,'s real easy to control all sounds & perimeters in real time...the Leslie on/off brings back my Hammond B3 days so much wow!..I was happy that the new ver. 1.03 was already inside be continued.