I have been using the SSv3 for over 6 months, as well as the Bose Compact on some different occasions. I have found the following to be true:

My assessment of the SSv3, or Bose,for that matter, is based solely on what I myself hear. The Bose is monaural and does a great job as far as it goes. It is easy to judge by setting it a little to the side and rear.

The SSv3, on the other hand, has two speaker ports and has to be set far enough away to "bloom". It also needs to have the left port deflected somewhat forward, or set it sideways with the left port facing toward the floor.

I set mine at least six feet away, tilt it up 4inches, and use "V" deflectors so I will get the full effect.

The point is that the audience will love it, but you may not hear what they hear. Hence the reason for careful placement.
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact