I was Don. So much really that it was ONE of the reasons for selling my SECOND PA4X and getting back a PA800. I say one of the reasons because due to several circumstances I do not play the keyboards as much as I used to. Subsequently I found the total investment too high a price to pay. For the same amount of money spent on a basic PA4X ( bugs included

)I now have a Korg PA800, Ketron SD1plus ( bought last week), Yamaha P-80 piano, Martin acoustic guitar, Greg Bennett acoustic guitar and a Syrincs M3-220 DT active monitor set. Go figure is what the Americans would say, I believe.................
Nevertheless there is no denying that the PA4X sounds and styles are excellent and that many of you will undoubtedly enjoy their purchase. I know you do Don, and I enjoyed the recordings on it that you made available to us all.
Still, like I said, I am really quite happy without the 4X.