Originally Posted By: mirza
When I was using arrangers I always liked having a synth above it. Either Triton, Motif or Fantom. As long as it has sampler so I can load my custom samples to it. And that was always only for solo sounds. Now I am only using Montage. My budy that I play with took my pa4x.

I think Montage and PA4x would make a great combination, also when played on top of eachother...

Tough i think when having a Montage i would add a little Ketron SD40 just to have some awesome styles...

Now, i am only a home player, but i tried moving away from arrangers, but love the easy access to new performaces that arrangers offer way to much..

I also love having an 88 key for piano and a synth/organ keybed for organ and synths (altough both Kronos as well as Montage 88 keysbeds would suffice for both in the end)... also a synthworkstation really adds a lot to an arranger, as you mentioned above.

In the end, if you have arranger needs however, only having a Kronos or a Montage will not work, so if you want a high end synthworkstation you need to add some kind of arranger to it.. Montage/Tyros would work, but if you add 2 different nrands, it should work even better as they add more to eachother... So Montage/Pa4x, or in my case Kronos/Tyros5. Adding the SD40 module to any synth workstation is allways an option.

But then, i just play at home, so i can not say if having 2 keybeds for a giging player is worth the fuzz of taking them around to 3 gigs a day.. Thats something everyone needs to decide for himself. But i can say, that having 2 keyboards that add to eachother in both functionallity as well as in sound characteristics will be an advantage for most...
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
