Originally posted by Johnnie.c:
....and I am sure there are plenty of Roland owners that would be only too pleased to join in.
Yes, I can sure see your point Johnnie.c, not much discussions going
on at the Roland forums. Maybe that will be better now when Technics
don't follow up the KN7000?
Personally I'm a kind of eager to see how the G70 and other kb's are
being judged by KN users, also compared to those who are users of the
Tyros or other brands and of course also versus KN7000, so why not on
this forum?
KN7000 will probably stand against most competitions still, but we'll
never know when / where or what will be the next BIG ONE, and not to
forget what will replace or be added to my "dear old mistress" KN5k.

Oh well, at the end it's only the personal taste who matters, and I
really hope that Yamaha get more competition elsewhere to keep up the
alternatives to choose by.
No matter how good or bad the Tyros2 will be. Monopoly is not a good
thing, and it really looks like Yamaha are on the way to achieve it
when quite a lot of players run for it as we can see at Gen Arr Forum.
Ops...got it even more offtopic now, didn't I?