Originally Posted By hammer
You don't have to get paid to tell others in something you believe in and own.
I own two Ketron SD7s and it is without any reservations THE BEST KEYBOARD I HAVE EVER OWNED! To put this in perspective, I started with the PSR3000, then Tyros 3, then Tyros 4, Also Roland E50 and E80, also korg PA1x Pa2X-Pro, and the PA4X. I have gigged with all of them. Without a doubt the SD7 far surpasses these keyboards in what I need for my gigs and what my audiences are telling me is the best sound they have heard from me.

So, like the other poster, I too will recommend to others to take a serious look at the SD7. I can't speak for the SD9-Pro because i don't own one.

Anyway, that is my 2 cents worth.


I was just kidding, dutch humor... just remembering Donny's hands on experience with the SD7

Offcourse one can be very enthousiast over instruments you own, have owned or simply played a lot... for me just touching one briefly or only seeing it on youtube often times is enough.. and luckily everyone has its own opinion, or there would be no discussions left..

I dont think any of the pro keyboards created can be called bad or even average, they are all above average up to spectacular good...

I think i do understand why you like your sd7 as you have explained to us quite well on some ocasions... to me where it comes to spectacular keyboards, sd7 is right up there with the tyros5 and the pa4x...
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
