First ... stop sayin' "just sayin" all the time ...

Second - I had the original Tyros, and played 2 and 3 - it just doesn't cut it for me. Never did.
The case is too large, the keys and I don't agree, and for some reason, with all the other wonderful things Yamaha does ... they refuse to put a pro quality harmonizer in a $4000 keyboard. I may never understand that. So, no WOW factor for me on the horizon. They fell short every year for well over a decade in this camp. I have gear that works, and is still cutting edge for the audiences - I'm very underwhelmed by the newest offerings.
Bottom line - I just wanna sing ... the manufacturers that provide me with a great vocal processor, and strong monitor speakers will get my business. The rest of the features are just icing on an already pretty cool cake.