Originally Posted By travlin'easy
Tony, photos of me have been plastered all over the world, on the internet, on sporting journals, fishing magazines, newspapers, etc... I didn't give anyone permission to do this, and to be perfectly honest, I was damned well flattered that the photographers thought enough of me to published them. Same holds true for my wife and children. They too have had their photos published many, many times, and they too were flattered to have those photos appear. Maybe Dave has some vanity thing with that particular photo, but for the most part, the only difference I see is he was 50 pounds heavier and had more hair - other than that, judging by his web site photos and avitar photo, he really hasn't changed in appearance much during that time. What's the big deal. The photo I posted was just to demonstrate how much of a persons face is covered with headset v/s handheld mics. Nothing more - nothing less.
Gary cool

Gary .. I'm not going to get into a pi$$ing match over this, and if you didn't mind yours and your family's pictures being published, that's fine, but I think it is an individual's right to say if they don't want THEIR picture published without consent ...
Over and out ...
t. cool