I have been traveling with my wife trough Indonesia for over two weeks now and it seems music is everywhere..

Seems every boy plays guitar and sings serenades to his girl.. or just on a bench in the park
And families in the big cities favorite pass time seems singing Karaoke at their homes..

But most importantly, every local restaurant seems to have live music, and there is allways an arranger Playing (most of the time people stand up and sing with him)
So far i saw one Korg Pa50, but the rest where Yamaha made, no tyros, but al psr s7 or psr s9 series...

Same goes for the few churches we visited at Sumatra, no Organs, but Yamaha arrangers..Fun to see that in a lot of these restaurants they are playing classics from the western popular music.

It seems to comfirm my toughts that arrangers are not only European and middle eastern... but all over south east asia... they are a major big thing here, altough the expensive TOTL arranger, like pa4x, Tyros and the upcomming Genos might still be mostly a European thing...

Edited by Bachus (09/13/17 02:46 AM)
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
