Gary and chas ... thank you - not too bad for an OLD guy ...
Gary, I was actually a 44 long until the early 80's ... from 1976 to 1982 I was very much into running - 60 to 70 miles a week - ran NYC Marathon in '78,'79, '81 ... then foot surgery came along, had to stop running, but no one told me I also had to stop eating like I was still running 60 miles a week ... and the suit sizes slowly but surely started going up along with the weight ... All that running gave me a very strong heart, two new knees and the self satisfaction of completing the marathon three times ...

Steve ... I have a very good friend in Rhode Island ( wink ) who told me all about the Pro12 app ... he even helped me set it up !!! ... it's good to have a good friend in RI ... grin
t. cool