I will disagree with DNJ just to make your decision even more difficult. LOL. No, I do not own one, but I have been in the same boat; contemplating either getting the FA08 or the Integrity 7. If the Kronos is available in rack, I would jump on it. The Kronos is in a different league. So I won't even compare the FA series with the Kronos.

Not that I am telling you what to do one way or another, but I am thinking of my situation and perhaps many other musicians can relate to to it, too. You know Segal's Law; one person with one watch knows what time it is, but the one with two watches is never sure." To a certain degree, I, think, it applies to musicians especially those of us with GAS.

As for me, I already ruled out the FA08. I'd rather stick to a couple of keyboards/controllers and drive modules/rack versions of keyboards. Keyboards take a lot of room and when you replace one, it is not just the keyboard action but the whole thing including sounds will be replaced.

I bought a Code 61 after your post on it. What a great deal! It came with VIP 3.0, too. It was a good buy for me, and it was cheap. Thank you for being a cheap influence! The Code 61 is indeed very nice; good weighted action that somehow both organ and piano players can live with. Many are crying for an 88 key version.

Anyway, because of your "cheap" influence on me, I guess I am trying to do the same to you;it sounds like deep down you don't want it, either, and you don't need it as you said! Haha. Oh, btw, your influence is getting a little more expensive. I'm thinking of getting a Casio PX560! The PX560 driving the Interity 7 makes more senses. Then again, the I7 is more for studio work than for live performance. I've got too many watches. So I have put it on hold.
"You Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." John 8:32