While I was distracted from any playing in public and was focused on playing at home eventually I became puzzled about why most of keyboards are only 61 keys. But then I felt the need to get back in the game and the outside world quickly replied to my question. 61 keys allows you to get a keyboard into a small elevator with no need to hold it vertically, and then you can put it in a trunk of a small car. Of course with a backseat folded there’s room even for a digital piano, but it feels safer when no one can see what’s inside the car while you’re away, let’s say, having coffee in a shopping center on your way home.
So while I still want some extra keys, I have to appreciate more that less keys may make life less complicated.
Have to reconsider some of my future purchases…
Description: Hyundai Getz and Yamaha MM6
Edited by Kabinopus (04/14/19 03:22 PM)