It is indeed a problem. When I’m walking listening to music I don’t want any outside force to have such power as to stop my music. Although, when I had a separate MP3 player, I used to miss some calls for that reason. iPhone tries to be gentle about it, first it fades the music out, then it gives a ring. But in general today any sort of calls are considered as a small invasion, as opposed to texting. In here there are as well too much of unknowns callers or visitors with questionable offers. But not all proper business has moved to social media and you have to stay reachable for some callers, so it’s too soon to block all incoming calls.

Sometimes I think that each type of activity should be associated with a specific device. Even if a phone is capable of giving good results in many areas, we a loosing the concept of a specific device for a specific activity, this means we can’t really focus and staying alerted all the time. So when the music is playing on one device and you have a call on another device, you’ll have to stop the music and to answer the call, but it gives your some seconds to process these acts separately.

But I am as well tend to use my phone all the time, even right now to make this post, although I have a PC on right next to me. It’s all about economy after all. Other scenario would imply more free space, more furniture, move moves and more equipment.