I can't tell you guys how much I've enjoyed reading your posts, replies, humor and just plain good reading. Pity the plight of the non-performing songwriter. There must be a new crop of about 100 wanna-bees popping up each day and an equal number packing up their tents and preparing to steal silently off into the "Desert of Despair." (Chuckling to himself.)

Now it is almost impossible to get a new song "heard" by someone who can have an impact on your career (in my case... "Hobby!") and I stopped "pitching" songs a few years ago. I've kept my head down, though, grinding away, writing and recording new material... and re-writing or performing brain surgery on many of my older songs. I play to an "Audience of One" but loving music as I do, it ain't half-bad... and there is always the possibility that Josh Groban or George Strait may hear something from my catalog and decide to take a crack at it on their next album.

You guys (including Plumbers) have my respect and admiration. Nobody ever told me this after-career choice would be easy... but it keeps me out of trouble, away from wicked women, good whiskey and I get to spend hours in my little studio most days.

Life is good and Thank God for Arrangers.
