Actually, the MFD was nothing more than a scaled down registration that saved style, tempo, intro, and initial variation. Now, because I also used this in combination with registrations, and had a setup registration that locked my mic setting and pedal settings into place on startup, I really didn't have to worry about having a book of registrations to know what was in them. After a few months of continual performances, I knew them all by heart.
Now, I realize that you can assign lots of functions to the buttons at the bottom of the screen, including lyrics, which take more than a single button push to access from the player. However, on my ancient PSR-S950 there is a button that clearly says lyrics. One push and there they are. Wow!
Also, there was no indicator light for the vocal harmony on/off. Cmon, how easy would this be to add to such an advanced keyboard. Lots and lots of menus, sub menus and way too much time spent navigating and less time performing.
Now, I absolutely loved the right hand voices (sounds), the styles were great, the drums really rocked - no question about this aspect. As for the keyfeel, I really didn't notice any difference, but I was looking as this feature.
Good luck, guys and gals,