when using a custom style, in your sequence, it can also cause a hassle ie
Joe Bloggs might have the original set of custom styles loaded into his kn7. So he decides to do an original recording of a song he's written using custom style
( no 1 ) 8 beat.
Meanwhile Freddy Nerk has been having a wonderful time sorting all his custom styles and rearranging them to suit himself.
When Joe Bloggs saved his song, he forgot to save the custom style set. He's never touched his, so to him , his custom styles are as common to him as are his inbuilt styles.
Meanwhile Fred Nerk loads his friends brand new original composition that he's so proud of. But instead of hearing the song as an 8 beat (as recorded by Joe) Fred NErk is hearing the song as a March( remember , he's been changing & moving his custom styles around).
Fred doesn't want to hurt Joes feelings about his thought on the new composition, so he justs shuts up , and thinks to himself, it's about time Joe got a new hobby.
Again it's a problem easily fixed by taking Anothony's advice save your styles to composer. In this case you're copying your custom style to one of the 3 composer memories.
Remember Custom styles are NOT compatitable between different model keyboards. Also if you're chopping & changing the locations ( sorting) your custom styles, you need to save the custom style set as part of your song. In the long run if you're sharing your sequences, it would probably be easier to copy the custom style into the composer and save it that way.
best wishes
p.s. I'm sort of back. Got a lot of catching up to do. Missed you guys. I'm now one of those dreadful creatures called a
Son got married on the weekend. Houshold will hopefully be back to normal after the weekend, when the last of the relatives leave. (haahaa)
best wishes
Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022