Originally Posted By Riceroni9
Thanks, Randy:

Here's hoping your Thanksgiving will be wonderful... tasty... and relaxing. Seems the Holiday Season gets more hectic every year. I'm doing my best to slow things down as much as possible without appearing to be a spoil-sport.

Regards, ----Dave

Thanks Dave and yes, I agree that it would be very nice to "slow things down a bit". Today's paper was showing 50" TVs at Walmart for $148 if you happen to among those who grab the (minimum 6) sets they will have on hand. I will pass on the challenge. wink

Have a great holiday everyone and a special "Thanksgiving" to the men and women in uniform who are standing guard for our freedoms today.

PA4X, SX900 (Baby Genos), Roland U-20, L1 Compact, Way 2 Many Saxes

"My computer beats me routinely at chess - but it's NO MATCH for me at kick boxing!"