Dave, first let me apologize to Uncle Dave for changing the direction of his post. This deviation should clearly be over in The Bar. But (and I will end with this), let me say once and for all that your perception of the Black players in the NFL and mine are 180 degrees apart. Their decision to use a command audience to peacefully protest a clear and rising trend of police brutality (with zero accountability) against Black and Brown members of society has nothing, nada, zilch, to do with patriotism. Most of the people who express all this hatred KNOW THIS, but who can resist such a convenient excuse to express feelings that were already there, just below the surface, waiting to emerge. Justification was made easy when fueled by the (deliberate) misleading and divisive rheteric of our 'divider-in-chief'. For those wishing for a return to the good ol' days of the 'Brady Bunch' and 'West Mayberry', the last two and one half years have given you a very comfortable head start. One of the few joys of old age for me is that I'll be dead before it comes to full fruition. I still love and respect my fellow man, regardless of race, creed, religion (or lack thereof), or sexual orientation, and am open to other points of view provided they make sense and accomodate everyone equally. You say " The beauty of America is opportunity to any and all who dare to do their best.". Well, that is precisely what these NFL players have done and look how you view them. As far as those "extreme salaries", you should see what their 'owners' make---and nary a broken bone. Oh well, who said life was fair. Have a good day.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]