Hi Don & Donny:

I hope you did not think I was asking for anything song lyric related. LOL! I was thinking of Earl's question to Don and simply "chimed-in" to be of assistance in offering ways to accomplish what Earl needs... if anyone volunteered. My mistake! (Please read my "credo" below!) Seems like I'm developing "Hoof and Mouth" disease here at the "Zone!" Sorry!

Your work in collecting and cataloging all those songs is a lifetime of work and I know and appreciate that. I've spent what seems like a lifetime developing more than a thousand of my own originals. The cataloging process (plus baggage that goes with it... such as dealing with ASCAP and the Copyright Office) takes more time than the song-writing and recording.

I am proceeding to the chalk-board now and will begin writing, "I promise to keep my big mouth shut!" at least 100 times." LOL!

On a brighter note, I'm sure happy for the LSU Quarterback getting the Heisman. (SP?)


Edited by Riceroni9 (12/15/19 11:23 AM)
Edit Reason: Fixing stuff!