Originally Posted By travlin'easy
because I no longer have vocal ability or control - weird! I can still play, but no better, or worse than before. My typing seems to have improved, though, since yesterday and I know where all the keys are, again.

I'm hesitant to write this, but here goes. I'm not a morbid person, and I hope this message is EXTREMELY premature, but I want to say goodbye to you. I've only known a few terminal patients in my lifetime, and each time I had the chance to actually say the word, I missed, or passed on the opportunity, so I'll not make that mistake again. You've been a great friend since day one, and a generous, knowledgable, source of help and information to many. I've enjoyed meeting with you, talking gear, and life's other oddities with you. I've enjoyed your stories, and pictures of your travels along your journey.

I'll repeat - I hope this is very, very premature, and we get many more chances to interact, but on the chance that time will not be as generous to you, as you have been with yours, I want to say that it's been a real privilege to call you friend. I think it's great that you're still finding the strength to post regularly, and play the keys. Music is an expression of the soul, and once you put it out there, the universe will continue to send it along to many more, who will be blessed by it.

I'm happy that your life, and career brought you so many great memories, and however much time you have left to continue making them, I'm sure you'll make the most of it. None of us are promised tomorrow, and many of us waste today, but you are an inspiring example of someone who savored life to the fullest, and I'm sure you will continue to do so until your last memory is made. Vaya con Dios, mi amigo ... I just hope it's not too soon.

Love ya, man.

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