Originally Posted By cgiles
Originally Posted By bruno123

1-Enjoy Latin music, but you will never do it well.

Being born into a culture will most likely help one interpret and perform the music of that culture but to say that no one else can "do it well" is not only patronizing but also untrue.

Chas...it's not patronizing because it's true. I play "world" music, jigs and reels from Ireland, polkas from Poland, Yiddish music, and....a lot of Latin music. I play them all "technically well" but listen to me do an Irish reel and then listen to an Irishman. It will be like night and day.

That's not to say you can't eventually master the music, but John is correct, you need to live, breathe...grow up with the music to make it sound authentic. Trust me, I played in Ireland...I know!