Don, I know that you try to NOT sound like an aranger and almost always accomplish that. Just, I didn't think you made it this time with this tune and this keyboard. Kaper made an interesting comment concerning the quality of the Ketron guitars.

I hope you know, you are my inspration and my favorite performer on SZ. You will notice that I do NOT give out commilments that I don't feel are deserved. If I tell you its good you can take it to the bank. I also don't do positive comments to old friends who can no longer sing even though they are old friends.

Anyway, in response to what to do to get back to the great country sound, you migh consider getting rid of the new kb and going back to what works for you. Or, maybe just fix those guitars!
PSR 740,PSR 3000, Mirage, tx7, mp32, Pro Tools 10,11 SONAR, Reaper, BIAB 2020 and a pile of Computer Music mags w/disks
College student was working on Doctoral, Education Now just doing courses to do courses