We have a two party perfer system, with a third being the "Greens" a minor party thqat can't hold power ever or even control anything, but can "side " with one of the major parties. There are many other extremely minor parties that try to get in as independants. Like the Sex Party or The Gun Party or The Marijuana etc, but most do not get enough to get in to hold a single seat, maybe three or so.

You can vote for the to hold the one major party that gets in to account on internal government votes for Bills or legislature changes but that is all they can do. This is not a bad thing but a good thing. Very different to the US style of Polotics I am sure but ours is based on the UK version to some extent.

Bot not to vote helps no one but to vote for someone even an independant will somewhere down the track.

The problem is not the problem...The problem is your attitude to the problem.