Hey Diki. Glad to hear you're doing reasonably well after your ordeal. I was there about a year ago had a big one removed from center of gut. It was a stage 4 just starting to send out it's deadly tenacles to spread. I had a great surgeon and he managed to get it all. The oncologist sent me for blood work and talked about doing kemo & wanted me back for more tests but I had a good dose of the big D and there was no way I could chug 2 bottles of that stuff and sit in the office and wait for my turn without making the biggest mess they had ever seen. Now I also heard from the meds there was a test called "Gardant" that would check your blood for any sign of the cancer spreading. I got said test and it showed no signs of metastasizing so I let it go at that and so far so good. Best of luck, Gerard.