You may feel impotent, but I can assure you that Roland HAVE in the past responded to user feedback. And changed things.
Yeah, by getting out of the arranger market

. I must say, the power of your complaints is absolutely astounding.
if any of this gets addressed, you won’t be bitching about THAT, would you..? Or maybe you would… after all, you don’t really use arrangers much, do you?
It may not "get addressed" because Roland designed it that way ON PURPOSE, not as an arranger (even if YOU keep insisting that it be one) but as a stage piano with a few arranger-like convenience features and a new sound engine. Apparently, their marketing dept. thought there was a market for this type of configuration. BUT....sounds like YOU want to make it into something else. Actually, I'm glad this board (FP-e50) showed up. Now that you've been able to show Ketron and Korg (PA5X) the error of their ways, you can now devote all your energy to demonizing another keyboard that you've never seen, much less played. Ahhh, your posts are SO uplifting....I think I'll just go throw my FP-e50 in the dumpster....I mean, what good is a PIANO without 4 variations, 4 intros, 4 endings, and some stuff in the middle.