Thank you for your input. However, I'm not looking for an 'answer', or a 'solution', an especially not a 'best bang for the buck'. This is all about JOURNEY. One recent thing that did 'inspire' me was Gunnar's observation of the ever-shortening window in which we have to explore our wishes, desires, and fantasies, and where practical, the need to do it NOW.

For sure there is no BEST way to do something; there's just a PREFERRED way (among many) by the doer. It always comes back to "different strokes for different folks", and that's how it should be. However, there are always those who insist that they know how to realize your fantasy better than you do, even though they've never fantasized about delivering Pizza to a sorority house and the girls were short on cash smile smile. Sorry, my mind drifted away for a second smile. Anyhow, it'll be fun to see where my journey leads, unfettered by outside OPINIONS. Anyhow, feel free to offer advice or suggestions; however, I'm unlikely to heed them unless you can show that you've followed that advice in your own journey.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]