Hi All,
Business is Business and the true is that while Technics made a great keyboard the best does not always win. Most people will go for price everytime and in that arena Yahama and Casio have the market and most likely the sales.
My old PRS500 is still a very nice keyboard given a $400 price tag and if I had never heard the KN6000 and/or not been more interested in music and sound I really doubt I'd have ever moved up to the quality of the Technics sound.
I have several friends that have bought keyboards and the truth is most of them get played for the first couple of months then they get put in the closet.
As for the forum, I think we'll need it even more now since it will be our only means of support. And as was said, it's the people here and not the keyboard that makes the forum.
So let's salute the music still to be played and shared because after all it's what I like most about my keyboard and the forum, listening you all of you play!
My best wished to all
Heather- Leesburg, FL PR54