I think it's really a pity that they removed the Sound Controller from the new KB. I think it will be the most important reason not to upgrade to the KN7000. I have come to use this feature a lot while playing live with my band. It creates a great sound when used properly, especially while playing (sort of) chemical beat, or more electronic oriented music. During the entire song your sound can be different! It's so easy to put a lot more feeling into the music this way. I really cannot understand why on earth technics dropped this feature. While other KB manufacturers put so much effort in creating new possibilities to change/control the sounds realtime. I thought technics got it right at this point since options of other manufacturers don't appeal to me that much (Blessing the audiance while using the D-Beam of Roland

So it's really a drawback that it is left of on the KN7000. Or are there any other ways to change/control the sound realtime? I hope there is...