Hi, It's a few years since I bought a 'gig' instrument (well the choice then would have been Rhodes or Wurlitzer stage pianos!). I have two excellent plastic cased digital instruments, an old Yamaha YPR-30 that still has an 'electric piano' voice even after 15 years than can kick butt! I also have the quite fantastic Casio WK3500 that still quite amazes me with it's DSP sound setting.

But there are stirrings in the old bones to start taking on wedding receptions again. I know that the above keyboards on a double rack would 'knock em out' - combined with my playing (no modesty these days) - put through one of my Laney keyboard amps, but I feel I'd like to look around for a hard cased 88 note piano with a decent weighted action. What are the most successful and popular models around these days. I ask for 'popular' as this could mean a bargain second hand. I know some of these things are very heavy - but I'm sort of quite strong really!!

Over to you guys and your expertise - thanks.

[This message has been edited by gettin' on a bit (edited 05-20-2005).]