Joan, Keep those great tunes coming in. YOu are filling up your own folder in my 1st sd card.
Yes Alex, you did say the right thing. It is so slow on my computer that I am actually playing the KN7000 for the first time in three weeks.
Hey Walt, The last time a guy invited me over to help build a patio behind his house, Rocky dog and I jumped into the motorhome and drove to Nashville and parked in his driveway for three plus weeks and Jann flew in for the last week. He not only taught me how to carpenter, I taught him how to play a one finger arranger keyboard, cause he was a one finger "dog house" bass player for Waylon Jennings. We did some recording, had breakfasts and lunches with some names you know, and jammed a ton of music, but we did get a 40 x 35 foot raised deck patio built in his 5 acre back lawn.
Now for Frank Bez. I hate to be a tattle tale but I have had the pleaure of climbing up Franks Mountain above the beautiful beach to his fantastic home in the clouds and just sitting in his music studio aaaahin and oooohing. We have heard Frank play many times and he is kidding you folks. He plays some kinda fine stuff. My wife Jann keeps asking me when I am going to learn to play like Frank. Well, for awhile I told her when I got a Kn7000 I probably could. Well now she SEZ, "hey you got the Kn7000 when you gonna play like FRANK"?
Maybe when I get the KN8000?
Best to you all
Bill the Bebop