for more advanced planning, consider this:
If you put your dance SETS into custom then put the matching panel memories in banks 1 to 10 not A to C, and save on page 2 with panel switched to ALL as well as with all custom YES. If you leave bank 1 active when saving that will come up on load ready to play as normal. Now save your different SETS in say a "set" sd folder, and in other folders labelled say "A to D", "E to H" by song title or whatever etc save the individual songs saved in composer and panel memory A (or B or C).
Now after loading a set of say 20 songs (which takes a relatively long time since involves custom) if you get a mid set request for another song not in that set, you can load that individual song in a second from the composer version, and afterwards pick up and go back to the rest of the set, because your custom and panel banks 1 to 10 will not have been altered at all by any of the the new individual song loads.
Thus your sets remain in effect as presets while you can load any other songs on top without affecting them, as explained in 3.08.