A guy heads up to the northern tundra to work in the oil fields.
Feeling somewhat like a fifth wheel, and wanting to fit in, he asks a table full of roughnecks, "What's a man gotta do up here to prove himself up here?"
"Well, says one of the roughnecks...first you gotta drink a gallon of rot-gut whiskey.....then you have to go out and wrestle a polar bear......finally, you need to make love to an Eskimo woman".

..."Then, you'll be one of us!"

The guy grabs a keg of whiskey from behind the bar, and chugs the whole thing down in about a minute. Then he heads out into the snowy night, saying "I'll be back!"
An hour or two goes by, the bar door flys open and in walks our hero, all torn up, bleeding from head to toe, and missing part of his right arm.

He staggers up to the men's table, spits out a mouthful of blood and says, "Okay...so where's this Eskimo woman I'm supposed to beat up?"
