Frist off I am back after a three month long reflection period. I now know that I have a serious problem. I blame myself for not being a good musician. I blame every keyboard I have owned in the past for the first problem. I never listend to everyone on here for their adivce. I applogise to everyone for that. Especially Ed, who has given me some of the best advice that I never took seriously, sorry about that Ed!

I thought that if I owned a certian synth that it would solve my problems. I was wrong. I also have this nasty habbit of changeing my mind to often. One minute I want an analog modular synth. Thae next a music workstation. I have always been under the impression that it's better to own one keyboard then to own several. I guess that's why most keyboard players own several keyboards. It's better to own several cheap keyboards then to own one really expensive one. Now that I think back on it, had I actually held on to every keyboard I had owned in the past I would have had a nice collection. Of course I would not have had the room for all of them. Unless I built shelves and hung them on the wall.

I feel better now that I am able to face my problems and express my feelings.

BTW: Dano if your reading this I wanted to thank you for your business, even though I sold the Juno-D back to you. You are a very knowledgeable person.

[This message has been edited by analogcontrolfreak (edited 09-28-2005).]