About 25 years ago, when I was about 10 years old, I asked my parents if they would send me to music school. "Yes, I want it, I would like to play the guitar" was the sales pitch.....

My mother said something like "it is accordion or nothing, this is a fine instrument, guitar and others are not good instruments" quoting her PERSONAL preference, which I had to take or leave.

Of course I denied, saying that "accordions are only for the blind" because every other time I had been on a public transport, a blind man (or someone pretending to be blind for added effect), armed with an accordion, would come and play, begging for coins. Most people obliged, so the torment of their ears would stop.

I changed my opinion on accordion after many years, actually liked very much the soundtrack of "Amelie" the French movie, but I still bear a grudge for that "accordion or nothing".

Still, sometimes, when I hear an accordion, I look up to see if the player is wearing black glasses.