I've seen the WTF abbreviation before and though I don't normally choose to use it, the WTF abbreviation is merely the universally & commonly accepted on the internet acroynm used to express ANGER & FRUSTRATION :

of which its emotion (as clearly evidenced by your reactions) CANNOT be matched by a legitimate word.

Come on guys: NONE of us are saints (I'm not), or should be shocked (or appalled) to read this, especially coming from members who claim to work & play in bars, where this kind of talk is commonplace. I'm willing to bet everyone of you (including myself) have resorted to actually saying: "What the f _ _ k" on at least one occasion in your lifetime. If not, I seriously doubt your honesty (of which is a lot MORE important to me).

As far as Jim's reference to: ladies and church-goers, he was only attempting to stress a point. There really appears to be a : "if I say it, its ok, but if you do, it's not ok" attitude going on among some members here. This type of reference has been used before here by others in the so called SZ 'good ol boy' click, but when someone else like the Pro chooses to use it, it's now suddenly: an attack against women & church.

I realize that you guys claim to be Christians, so let the words of the Bible guide you: "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone".
