Another 'husband & wife' joke.

This husband is very disappointed by his wife's lack of sexual performance so he goes to his doctor to ask for help. The doctor prescribes some pills which he says should get things going.

Later that day the couple are sitting there having a coffee and, while the wife's attention is distracted for a moment, the husband slips one of the pills into his wife's coffee. She takes a sip and in an instant, she's tearing off her clothes and leaping onto the table scattering cutlery and crockery in all directions, and grabbing at her husband.

The following day the husband is back at the doctor's office telling of the effects of the pills. The doctor apologises profusely and offers to pay for any damage caused. "No, it's okay," says the husband, "we won't be going back to that restaurant again."

[This message has been edited by renig (edited 09-13-2005).]