Originally posted by captain Russ:
Preston leveraged egos into a lifetime career.
Wow, what an appropos story. This is EXACTLY what I have discussed on some forums... something like live karaoke. Because it's so hard to make any money anymore. But I've never gone through with it because I really don't know if I could take it. I mean, again, last week, I let a girl sing a song and she was just terrible. That one guest was enough to ruin me again. I can't imagine a whole evening, much less a career of that. Wow.
Of course, the reason Preston could do it was maybe he just didn't have a very good ear. If you were even close, he probably enjoyed it.
Did Preston drink?
When we have discussed this on forums, I came up with the idea that the only way I could see it being tolerable is that you have only x-number of guest songs per set and the rest of the time, you could play your music. So they wouldn't take over and hog every song.
Now that I think back, I don't know if I've ever had any guest singer who was worth a flip.
A biggie for me is people up there around my gear. Tripping over cords, drunks leaning into equipment. Yikes. That makes me very nervous. I keep thinking I'll string up that black and yellow "Danger" tape around the stage.