Originally posted by Fran Carango:

So where do you find Gary to be wrong with his statement?

Fran, I never said Gary was 'wrong'. I said in the beginning it was all subjective. Gary has a point of view and so do I. One is as valid as the other for the person expressing it. There are very few absolutes in music.

BTW, I hadn't heard much from you lately. I was (sincerely) starting to be concerned that maybe something was wrong. Glad that all seems to be ok with you. It was nice of Donny to give such huge accolades to Gary's post. I've read it three times trying to get a sense of why a brief and simply stated opinion would be considered a "Great Post". Oh wait, I did take a slightly different point of view. Nah, the newer, nicer, rehab-ed, Donny would never stick in a 'subtle' zinger.

In any case, I don't think Russ ever intended this to be a debate. Just an expression of opinions that don't need to be defended.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]