Originally posted by brickboo:
Here we go again. Read my lips. There aren't enough pro players of arranger keyboards to affect the market either way.

They make money selling these things to amatuers and hobbist at home. Not to people playing at a night club or VFW dance somewhere.

Man I'm getting tired of saying this. It's scary but true.

You're totally right. You guys play on products designed to please the hobbyist. Also true that arrangers now include lots of advanced features. Guess what? From my experience as a rep, and through surveys, 99.9% of arrangers users don't use so called advanced features such as Style editing, Style programming, Sound Edit. You have your answer.

Also, no mix of the 2 genres (home and pro features) have ever been succesful on the market. EX: years ago Yamaha introduced the DSR series. Was a flop. Technics brought the AX series. Was a flop. Why? You can't please everybody by implementing "partial" features to address either clientele.