Originally posted by Nick G:
Taike, go and have a browse through the Lionstracts web site...

All over the site you read how they brag that the MS is so superior over all the other arrangers out there. (no other brands brag to this extent)

it has the specs on paper to prove its superiority but music is what u hear and what u hear is not superior to "home plastic keyboards".

go and read the yamaha / roland / korg / ketron sites... sure they all have their bragging points on their machines which they are so rightful for becuase their products are proven quality.

I know what you're getting at, Nick, but it's still Dom's site. He can pretty much post there whatever he wants.

It doesn't bother me in the least. Why should it bother anyone?


[This message has been edited by Taike (edited 07-13-2007).]
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