Hi Scott,
Thank you very much for your help, I thought that maybe I was going "nut`s"- but-just the KB. U know that realy makes me I have own a PSS480,PSR-X4500,PSR510 and they all had there quirk`s but nothing like the 2000. It`s such a GREAT - KB if only it was as smart as it looks . I mean the sounds the features and all (execpt the toy key`s) O-BTW the software that I was talking about isn`t called "smart midi" I just used that, because it states the you don`t have to do any midi set-up`s it`s like the software is supposed to recognize the KB and the midi settings for you (I think) I have to check out MOTU web-site for more info but from what I read at zZones it didn`t seem to bad, I think the price was aroud $160 Anyway thanks agaian for getting back to me , I guess now I have to chose between the "bugs of the 2000 or find somthing else, George has a few Roland VA7 any thoughts Thanks and take care