Vquestor, there are a few (GNMidi, OMB) that could remap the the XG Drums to GM Drums. It requires knowledge of the the instrument assignments and then creating a re-map of them. Once you have this you can store it in GNMidi for use as many times as you need. You would need to use something like CASMEdit to separate the midi part of the style then using GNMidi to re-map the drums. Once you have this done you would use CASMEdit to combine the midi and CASM parts of the style. We just need someone to come up with this re-map. In addition, the drums in Channel 9 should be combined with the drums in Channel 10 of all the Yamaha styles.

This I think would be the best solution. You now could use any GM Wavetable (VSTi) of your chosing.

Of the other solutions, it seems to me that LiveSynthPro and VSampler sound the best when using the sYnergiGS GM/GS/XG Wavetable. VSampler has some trouble with calling up the correct drumkits, e.g., Standard, Brush and so on. LiveSynthPro has to be used in something like a DXi host or Cakewalk. The best would be to do the above conversions and use something like the HQ Hyper Canvas as a VSTi. This way I could do everything in Cubase (excellent latency) - Vocal Harmonizer, Accompaniment Sounds and Melody/Lead Instruments

The Bismark BS-16 (VSTi) also works but the sound quality is just not as good. Plus the volumes seem to be different, e.g., drums relative to the rest.