Many thanks to EVERYONE here who took the time to listen to my first Tyros2 demo song, especially those who responded.
Originally posted by Tony W:
Is it me or does the percussion sound much more natural and 'live' than on the Ty 1
Hi Tony. Yes, this is exactly what I too noticed on Tyros2 from the get-go. In fact, I believe the entire T2 sound & style palette sounds provides much more 'natural' realism than T1. I performed direct A/B comparisons between T1 & T2 and the difference was dramatic, even on sounds & styles with identical names. It's obvious that though some samples (like the Grand Piano) are the same on T1 & T2, the overall sound (smooth, rich, and with more body & detail) has been improved, perhaps thru new more advanced DSP processing. My aural impression is that the Tyros1 now sounds 'digital', while the Tyros2 sounds more analog (smoother). Kind of like comparing a good MP3 to WAV file.
Originally posted by ChicoBrasil:
Now, I am waiting for some latin tune... 
ChicoChico, I of course am looking forward to record a latin tune, but since Andrea has just WOWED US

recently with his impressive T2 guitar rendition of "Chega De Saudade", I thought I'd better hold off at least a little while, as I doubt I could top that.
Originally posted by kbrkr:
I actually like that song played faster at about 160 bpm to really give a lilt and lift to the beat.
Al, believe it or not, I actually played this at well over 200bpm, of which can be easily verified by playing back my song, along to the sound of your keyboard's metronome.
Originally posted by Tony Rome:
you took us from Candlestick Park to Carnegie Hall.
Tony. Man, you must have been reading my mind, as I fondly remember attending the Giants games at Candlestick Park when I was kid, and hearing Jim Rousey (once San Francisco Giants baseball team organist at Candlestick Park) play this very song, of which in part inspired me to play it now. I admit to having no background or experience playing the organ, so the Tyros2 has given me the chance to finally experience the thrill of emulating one on the Tyros2.
Originally posted by kbrkr:
keep it up and Michel Vonchen (spl) will have to watch his back.
Wow, thanks for the compliment, but I doubt Michel will ever have to compete with me, as he will always rein in Germany. On the other hand, here in the US, Michel, WATCH OUT! Just kidding of course.
Originally posted by TheWolf:
I have been to San Francisco once.. and yes, I did leave my heart there.This song is for you Scott my friend.
Heikki (aka the Wolf). I'm truly touched by your dedication of "I Left My Heart In SF" to me. For obvious reasons, this song remains close to my heart too, but I have to admit, because it's so 'overly requested' by audiences here (often several times a night), that I've grown to dread playing it, yet another time. Hearing your rendition now though, has given me a fresh perspective. You have terrific vocal potential, especially with the sincerity of your delivery & and your easily understood (clear) diction. I think Tyros2 has provided you the idea vechicle to showcase both your vocal & keyboard talent. I look forward to hearing more good stuff from you. Keep it up dude.
Ok folks.I plan to record another Tyros2 song (including vocals) in a few more days, including showcasing a different style music genre as well.


[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 11-15-2005).]