mine is the psr-1500 - the smaller brother of the psr-3000, of which there is a video. There is no one of mine as far as i've seen

Features of the psr-1500 include:
— 791 voices (inc. 480XG, 256GM2, 1 Live! Orchetra, 5 Cool! voices, 6 Sweet! voices, and 12 drum kits);
— 190 styles (176 pro, 14 session);
— Sound creator (basic parameter editing), style and multi pad creator + import new styles;
— internet direct connection, usb to host + to device;
– music finder (1100 songs);
– 320 x 240 fulldot backlit LCD (monochrome);
– mixing console, with adjustable parameters for Panel, Style and Song Parts
- DSP effects;
- direct access button;
- left(with optional hold), right1, right2 parts;
- 16 track MIDI sequencer
i admire you for learning to play by urself, but its not just learning i believe. Hearing a LOT of music over and over again, i found, helps me not only learn the notes and to play them, but also the technique eg sax, flutes, clarinets, brasses, and guitars.
This is where theory of music comes in play. It's what you learn from written music that will help, and ultimately guide you to beautiful playing of instruments.
What i may suggest to you is this: when learning a new piece (especially difficult ones like voncken's musette or baartmans' organs), try to hear a slowed down version of the song at least some 6 times consecutively (most music experts recommend 15 to 20 times) in order to get the notes imprinted in the mind.
I wish you lots of fun with your t1, and hope youll enjoy your t2 when you get it

btw good deal
Inspired by Nature
Designed by YAMAHA
[This message has been edited by jxuereb (edited 01-02-2006).]