Halloween is a high holidy for me, (or WAS)but this year there will be a "silent" house at my old address. I used to love dressing up in my full regalia as the Phantom of the Opera, and using a wiresless mic to scare the bejeezus outta the kids. They LOVED it, and used to try to come back 3 or 4 times each Halloween night. I had to start remembering costumes so I didn't run out of candy!
The older teens were a trip .... they act so cool..... TILL I confront them and use the Darth Vadar voice uder the strobe light, and whip my cape around their heads! I have multi-colored lights flashing all over the yard, and Bach Organ music (overdubbed with groans, screams, and cat fights) playing so loud that you could hear it 3 blocks away ! Those were the days, boy.
(I really DID enjoy it)
But alas, the house went up for sale yesterday, I am working tonight and since we have embarked on this new "separated" family plan .... things will be different this year. My resteraunt isn't even doing anything, so I won't get to see any costumes at all. I don't miss getting dressed up at work, but I sure will miss seeing all the kids at home.
Add to that ..... ATKINS ! No candy for THIS ghoul. Maybe I'll splurge and have some pork rinds b4 work !

[This message has been edited by Uncle Dave (edited 10-31-2003).]