Originally posted by Scottyee:
I'm still NOT convinced that Yamaha's SUDDEN elimination of the 'repeating' fill to self (via footpedal) feature on the Tyros alone, was an 'intentional' design change decision on Yamaha's part, as Steve Deming (Yamaha USA) contends. If so, then it signifies a BIG 'step back' for Yamaha's arranger keyboards, as this feature is a crucial element to presenting a truly 'exciting' LIVE performance.
Sadly Scott I believe Steve Deming when he said it was a "design" decision on the part of Yamaha Japan to leave this feature off the Tyros. I'm not sad that Steve told the truth of course but I am sad that Yamaha chose to leave off the Repeat Fill to Self feature using a common foot pedal. Now here is my reasoning for backing up Steve's reply to us.
Okay, the Tyros has a unique setup window in the Function Menu for the MFC10 Foot Controller, right? The Tyros has the ability to fully integrate an MFC10 Foot Controller to use with the Tyros. Everybody staying with me so far? Okay, the MFC10 Foot Controller allows the Repeat Fill to Self feature. If you own an MFC10 Foot Controller and hook it up to the Tyros you are able to activate the Repeat Fill to Self by holding down the MFC10 pedal as much as your heart contents just like you can with a common foot pedal (inexpensive ones like the FC4, FC5, etc.) on the PSR 1000/1100/2000/2100/9000/9000PRO, etc.
The reason (and I think I'm correct) is that since Yamaha coded in the MFC10 Foot Controller integration into the Tyros' OS - "there is a whole separate tab for setting up the MFC10 Controller" - which took some time and effort for Yamaha's Software engineers to do, that naturally Yamaha wants the owners of the Tyros to purchase an MFC10 Foot Controller. Hence the reason 'why' they left this feature off using a common foot pedal like Yamaha's own FC4 or FC5 foot pedals. The repeat fill to self will only work with an MFC10 Foot Controller. So how much does the MFC10 Controller cost you may ask? How about $279 on a good day when some retailer is having a sale.

It is quite expensive as far as Foot Controllers go.
So you see, since Yamaha put in the time, effort and "cost" coding in the Tyros' OS implementation of using their own MFC10 Foot Controller, it is the "logical" and 'only' reasoning IMO behind their decision to 'eliminate' the repeat fill to self feature using any common "inexpensive" foot controller; as Yamaha IMO wants every owner of the Tyros who desires the repeat fill to self feature to buy an MFC10 Controller. Plain and simple.
So yes, Yamaha intentionally did it and it is a marketing ploy instigated by Yamaha to sell "Parts", ie., more of 'their' Hardware to customers and in this case Tyros owners. The MFC10 costs substantially more than Yamaha's FC4 foot pedal - [$30 or so]. And selling as many MFC10 Controllers to as many people as they can, can only increase their profit margins to a greater degree. It's "ALL" about money IMO. Plain and simple.

Best regards,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 03-10-2004).]