#101821 - 07/23/03 01:24 PM
Re: Tyros OS update Request: Auto Loop 'Fill to Self' via footpedal
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Registered: 12/01/99
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Originally posted by YamahaUS1: It was not a mistake, it was a 'design' decision. Steve: No offense, but I suspect you are merely covering up for Yamaha's error here. I'm 'not' convinced this was a conscious Yamaha design 'decision', and still think it was just an unintential oversight on Yamaha's part. As 'dlstarry' clearly pointed out, why on earth would Yamaha intentionally remove it on the Tyros, yet continue to implement it on the newest PSR2100 model? I challenge you to give ONE good reason for Yamaha to have intentially removed this critical element of the foot pedal activated: 'fill self' feature. Originally posted by YamahaUS1: I can tell you that with so little interest from existing and potential Tyros customers, this is not likely to happen, unless it's real easy to slip it in with something that is already in the works. I believe the amount (or lack of) interest has more to do with the fact that most people here may not even be familiar with (or aware of) the 'fill self' via footpedal feature, or the beneifits it provides to LIVE performance arranger keyboard playing, so think it's unfair for you to base 'how you deal with this' on interest alone. I'm quite certain that adding the 'continously repeating fill' feature to 'fill self' can be easily implemented via a Tyros OS software update. As a PSR2000 owner as well, my chief complaint with that keyboard is that it's not flash rom OS upgradeable. I had hoped with my purchase of the Yamaha flagship model Tyros (which does include a flash rom-able OS), that it would allow me to easily upgrade the OS, to include bux fixes & OS enhancements, and to which this 'very issue' involves. I really hope this isn't the end of the road to this Tyros issue and hope that you will seriously re-evaluate the importance of re-implementing the 'continously repeating fill' feature to the 'fill self' remote footpedal function. I have stood by Yamaha as a loyal customer for a long time , but how Yamaha resolves this issue will most definitely impact my decision to what brand arranger keyboard I purchase in the future. Respectfully, Scott Yee
#101824 - 07/23/03 03:23 PM
Re: Tyros OS update Request: Auto Loop 'Fill to Self' via footpedal
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Originally posted by trtjazz: Scott, I use my MFC 10 for this feaure and it supports the repeating fill self. So for me, not using seperate pedals it is not a feature I really need in an o/s update. Terry Terry: For those like yourself who already own a MFC10 footcontroller unit, that's fine, but for those who can't afford one ($260 US dollars street price) , or don't want to have to lug around (back and forth to gigs) such a large bulky (W x D x H): 24 x 8 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches, & heavy (over 7 lbs, 11 oz (3.52 kg)) unit, this is not a viable option. In fact I sold my MFC10 recently because of it's cumbersome weight. Terry, I think you're missing my point here. A simple inexpensive 'single foot pedal' connected to a Yamaha PSR9000, 9000pro, PSR2000, or PSR2100, DOES already support the continously repeating 'fill to self' feature, so I'd expect it should work on the Tyros the same way. Yamaha is certainly able to correct this with a simple OS update, but Steve Deming (Yamaha USA) insists that he needs to garner more interest from other Tyros owners (or potential owners) before pushing for a bug fix. I hope Yamaha doesn't drop the ball on this one. Paul (ptumelty),Denny (dlstarry), Larry (Beakybird), Al (kbrkr) & Mike (Idatrod): MANY thanks for your support on this issue. I only wished there were more people here willing to 'stick their neck out' in support of this as well. Scott
#101828 - 07/23/03 08:42 PM
Re: Tyros OS update Request: Auto Loop 'Fill to Self' via footpedal
Registered: 01/08/01
Posts: 225
Loc: Sterling, VA USA
I had not tried this feature yet, but I have now and can confirm Beaky's report that it does, indeed, work on the PSR-2100. In fact, not only does "Fill Self" work, but so, too, does "Fill Down", "Fill Up", and "Fill Break". Using "Fill Up", for example, pressing on the foot pedal plays the fill as it moves from variation A to B (or B to C or C to D or D to A). Continuing to hold the pedal down moves up to the next variation and continues to play the fill until the pedal is released. This certainly is a neat feature and, after I add a "lesson" on how to utilize these "fills", a lot more people will discover it and be happy they did. Well, not everybody. The Tyros owners will have to await the delivery of the next OS upgrade when this "feature" can be added to the Tyros keyboards.
Joe Waters http:\\psrtutorial.com